Refurbishing the Creative Design of the Global Innovation School
One of the innovative hallmarks of our Kijana Global Innovation School is the creative and artistic design of the school environment. Our unique zigzag classroom design, ideated by Kijana Vice-President, Bruce Huber and created with the oversight of Kijana architect, Jeremiah Awori, forms a foundation for architectural creativity. Our school is also home to numerous […]
Building Upon Historic Relationships and Collaborating With New Friends
April was a historic month for Kijana as we welcomed our first former fellow WorldTeach volunteer, Ethan Bloomberg, from the August 1987 group of volunteers as a visitor to the Global Innovation School. It was that experience with WorldTeach that set James P. Cummings on his path to founding Kijana and the Kijana Global Innovation […]
Kijana Recognized with SIX Anthem Awards in 3rd Annual Competition “Through sharing and exploring, we learn, find appreciation, and grow toward a better world.- James P. Cummings For the second year in a row, Kijana is a winner in the Anthem Awards, an annual competition, which recognizes “purpose and mission driven work throughout the world.” This year, we won THREE Silver Awards. We have […]
Skill Development and Community Connections at the Kijana Global Innovation School
At Kijana, we believe that our world needs problem-solvers and community craftsmen or craftspeople. We need future citizens who will forge a better world for us with a spirit of caring, sharing and exploring. Our junior secondary school students are learning chess. Chess teaches multiple critical thinking skills, including: problem-solving, abstract reasoning, calmness under pressure, […]
Kijana’s Commitment to Creative Aesthetics and Visual Education Brings New Naming Opportunities
Since the Kijana Global Innovation School’s initial development in 2020, we have been committed to creating a unique, comfortable and inviting learning environment for students. The central collaborative team in this development has included Kijana President James Cummings, Palm Beach County graphic artist, Claire Salmon and Kenyan artist, Jesse Otukho. Additionally, Nani, of Nani’s Kitengela […]
Students Heading Out Early November for More Exploration and Discovery as Part of Care, Share and Explore Program
Students and faculty are excited as they prepare for another “Care, Share, and Explore” expedition, which will be taking place next week. Over one hundred students, and teachers from the Kijana Global Innovation School and two other local public schools, Buchenya Primary School and Eshirumba Primary School will be heading to central Kenya in our […]
Families Join in Encouraging 6th and 8th Graders As National Exams Begin
Kenya has an extremely strong culture of encouraging and supporting education and educational advancement of their youth. An element of that commitment is a tradition of holding a prayer day before taking the national exams. In addition to holding a pre-primary graduation last week, we held a prayer day for 6th and 8th graders who […]
Kijana’s Global Innovation School Holds its 3rd pre-primary school graduation
On October 24th, the Kijana Global Innovation School held its 3rd pre-primary (Kindergarten) grade level graduation. Twenty-four students graduated and will advance to first grade. It was a joyous occasion filled with happy parents and members of the community. As a recognition of their accomplishments, and appreciation and demonstration of Kijana’s strong commitment to a […]
Care, Share, and Explore Program to Continue: Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Renew Grant
We are pleased to share with you the good news: we are receiving another grant from the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, of Wheaton, IL to continue the “Care, Share and Explore” program. This will be the third year of the program and it has brought so much opportunity for exploration for our students and students in […]
Kijana Turns 21 in September
Twenty-one years ago in September, we registered Kijana in the state of Florida. We have come a long way since then. It has been a journey, a journey of exploration in changing lives. Four years ago this month, we started construction on the first classroom buildings. Today we have a beautiful school of 183 students […]