When you support a student’s education, you are doing more than helping that student; you’re helping their family and their community reach new heights and stability. We believe your student could be the next community leader or president of Kenya.
We have different levels of support which will not only get you updates on how your scholar is doing but will greatly improve your student’s education; these support levels come in partial tiers ($100, $250, $500, $1000) and full support ($2000). See more about these tiers and what comes with them on our website at kijana.org/sponsor-a-scholar
At Kijana, full education support and school fees cover everything, from graduation caps to all the details in between. To begin with, this includes hot meals, transportation, school supplies, uniforms, graduation, and enrollment fees for the year. This also includes the best bits and pieces that make school, well, fun! Like paint for murals, arts and crafts, festival and celebration supplies, field trips, gardening needs, and more. Our students can’t wait to return to school and that’s due, in large part, to the fine details in providing a quality education.
And when you sponsor a child’s full school fees and education, you aren’t just supporting them– you’re supporting the people that nurture, teach, and make their dreams possible. These are their neighbors, their protectors, their advocates, and their mentors, because no quality education is possible without quality and caring teachers and community leaders. You are additionally enabling a family in-need to send their child to Kijana’s Global Innovation school at absolutely no cost to them. This also enables Kijana to have a more economically diverse student body.
With your support, Kijana and our students can reach new heights and become true scholars.