
$100 of $2000 raised

After clicking on “Donate,” please select this scholar from the dropdown under “Designate your gift to a fund” to ensure your donation is allocated correctly.

Scroll down to see levels of support or what you’re providing

Hello! I like cats, running, and the color red. My favorite activity is drawing pictures because in our school we have the best pictures. I like drawing pictures and modeling. If you have never been to Kenya, I would tell you that Kenya is big! It has animals, big mountains, and flowers. Our community has the best hills and rivers. If I were to visit the USA I would want to speak like them. My mother describes me as a humble girl. She loves me very much. She is a saloonist. When I grow up, I want to be a saloonist like her.

Join Our Adopt-A-Student Program

When you support a student’s education, you are doing more than helping that student; you’re helping their family and their community reach new heights and stability. We believe your student could be the next community leader or president of Kenya

Community Champion - $2000

Thanks to You, A Student Receives:

Provide a student’s full education. This includes: 

  • All school fees 
  • Lessons and the staff that make a nurturing and quality education possible 
  • 2 hot meals a day for the school year 
  • Transportation to the school 
  • Uniform and backpack for the year 
  • School supplies for the year 

You Receive: 

  • A new picture of your student in class or participating in an activity you made possible 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get a new photo at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June. 
  • The opportunity to write a letter to your student. This letter will be fielded by their teachers and family. 
  • You will have the first 6 months after donating to write your letter. Or you may type it in the space below. 
  • A personalized response letter or a standalone letter if you elect not to write your student, addressed to you, from your student, or, if not possible, their family or teacher updating you on your student’s education 
  • You will get this letter between 6 and 12 months after donating to give the student time to put your donation to use. 
  • A quarterly update with fun facts from the organization about what new additions you made possible to your student and their peers 
  • These updates will go out in February, May, August, and December, starting the first quarter after your donation

Scholar Benefactor - $1000

Thanks to You, A Student Receives:

  • 2 hot meals a day 
  • Transportation to and from the school 
  • Their uniform and backpack for the year 
  • School supplies for the year 

You Receive: 

  • A new picture of your student in class or participating in an activity you made possible 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get a new photo at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June. 
  • A personalized letter, addressed to you, from your student, or, if not possible, their family or teacher updating you on your student’s education 
  • You will get this letter between 6 and 12 months after donating to give the student time to put your donation to use. 
  • A quarterly update with fun facts from the organization about what new additions you made possible to your student and their peers 
  • These updates will go out in February, May, August, and December, starting the first quarter after your donation

Student Advocate - $500

Thanks to You, A Student Receives:

  • Transportation to and from the school 
  • Uniform and backpack for the year 
  • Full year of school supplies

You Receive: 

  • A new picture of your student 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get a new photo at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June. 
  • A written update about your student and their progress, quarterly 
  • These updates will go out in February, May, August, and December, starting the first quarter after your donation

Student Supporter - $250

Thanks to You, A Student Receives:

  • Transportation to and from the school 
  • Full year of school supplies

You Receive: 

  • A new picture of your student 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get a new photo at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June. 
  • A written update about your student and their progress for the year 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get an update at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June

Friend of Student - $100

Thanks to You, A Student Receives:

  • Uniform and Backpack for the Year 
  • Starter kit of school supplies

You Receive: 

  • A new picture of your student 
  • If you donate in the first half of the year, you will get a new photo at the end of the year. If you donate in the second half of the year, you will get an update the following June. 
  • A description of what they are participating in within the context of the photo you receive

What You're Providing

If you’d like to learn more about Kenyan food, click here for Ebby, our Kenyan director’s, recipes and taste what your student might be eating.

Hot Meals

The meals we provide our students include an early lunch and and a Kenyan tea time. Our lunches often include locally-grown greens called sukuma wiki (kale) and ugali with fixin’s prepared by our on campus cook who sources everything from our school garden or the local market.

Our tea time includes traditional Kenyan tea and may include a Kenyan staple or snack like Kenyan sambusas, chapati, or kebabs 

For some students this may be their first or main meal of the day so Community Champions and Scholar Benefactors are greatly appreciated for making not only a difference in their education but in their general health.

School Supplies

Recently enrolled children becoming students and receiving their supplies for the year–thanks to generous donors like you.

Extracurricular activities, art lessons, and crafts that enhance a child’s learning experience. Donors that sponsor their full supplies for the year make extra fun, creative, and more fulfilling activities and lessons like this possible

One of our Kenyan backpacks given to the students and produced locally, supporting
community business.

A starter kit for the year so your student can have the basic essentials during lessons


Our school operates two of state-of-the-art buses and one van to pick up students so they don’t spend their day walking to school through rural Kenya which can have wild dogs or other dangers like the busy road up the street. 

By sponsoring their transportation, you make their commute a safer one that allows them to save their energy for learning and play and gets them home early for supper.


If you ever come to visit, you’ll find that Kenyan children regard school very differently than many of their US counterparts. Kenyan students wear their uniforms with pride and take fastidious care of them. Going to school is a great honor and privilege to their families and their uniform symbolizes that. Many students come back to the school gates after the bus takes them home just to wave goodbye to their teachers when they leave.

Full Education

When you sponsor a child’s full education, you aren’t just supporting them, you’re supporting the people that nurture, teach, and make their dreams possible. These are their neighbors, their protectors, their advocates, and their mentors, because no quality education is possible without quality and caring teachers and community leaders.

School Fees

When you sponsor a child’s full school fees and education, you are enabling a family in-need to send their child to Kijana’s Global Innovation school at absolutely no cost to them. This also enables Kijana to have a more economically diverse student body. School fees cover everything, from graduation caps to all the details in between. These are often the bits and pieces that make school, well, fun! This includes things like paint for murals, arts and crafts, festival and celebration supplies, field trips, gardening needs, and more. Our students can’t wait to return to school and that’s due, in large part, to the fine details in providing a quality education