Kijana Recognized with FIVE Anthem Awards

Kijana Wins Sliver and Bronze Awards “Global partnerships can bring creativity and innovation to education and inspire changemakers with spirit and magnitude.” – James P. Cummings For the third consecutive year, Kijana is a winner in the Anthem Awards, an annual competition, which recognizes “purpose and mission driven work throughout the world.”  This year, Kijana won […]

Kijana Named Finalists for 4th Annual Anthem Awards

We’re thrilled to share that the 2024 Anthem Awards Finalists were announced on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024! Kijana was an Anthem Award winner in the 2nd and 3rd Annual Competitions (2022 and 2023). Now, we are proud and pleased to announce that Five Kijana entries have been selected as finalists for the 4th Annual Anthem Awards. The finalist entries include; Two categories-Four entries within Education, Art […]

Students Return from Care, Share and Explore Central Kenya Expedition

Our signature Care, Share, and Explore program continues to enhance the learning experiences for our students and teachers. Students recently ventured to central Kenya and had the awesome opportunity to explore Aberdare National Park, Menangai National Park, Nairobi National Park, Charis Farm, the Giraffe Center and Hyrax Hill Museum. They learned about biodiversity, various conservation […]

Dawyne Annointed Takes Twelfth in the Nation in Poetry Competition We are overjoyed and proud to share the news that at the National Music Festival Finals recently in Eldoret, our Kijana student Dawyne Annointed took 12th place the whole country of Kenya in his category. Dawayne is in pre-primary one and is 4 years old and was competing against students who were five and […]