Our Care, Share, and Explore team has generated hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings in collaboration with over twenty schools in the region. Recently, the Kenyan government held a national tree planting day. Students planted hundreds of trees in celebration and in the continued effort to make Kenya greener, lusher, more forested and to combat climate change. Special thanks to the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, of Wheaton, Ill, who have provided the financial support, allowing this to take place. This is the third year of our unique Care, Share, and Explore program, which emanated from this wonderful multi-year grant.

Hezron Amune, Grade 8 student with tree seedling

Arvin Kiptoo, Grade 8, Kim Baraka, Grade 8, Kelvin Njuguna, Grade 7 and Fredrrick Awuor with trees.

Kelvin Njuguna smiles with tree seedling.