Students and faculty are excited as they prepare for another “Care, Share, and Explore” expedition, which will be taking place next week. Over one hundred students, and teachers from the Kijana Global Innovation School and two other local public schools, Buchenya Primary School and Eshirumba Primary School will be heading to central Kenya in our school buses and additional hired vans. The group will be visiting Kariandusi Museum, Lake Elementaita Wildlife Sanctuary, Egerton Farms, Njoro Caves, Menangai Crater, Soysambu Conservancy, Naviasha Raptor Center and Lake Bogoria. They will be staying at Tumaini cottages. Students in grades 3-7 will be participating. Below are two photos from the most recent excursion to central Kenya. These expeditions are an opportunity for students to see the beautiful country of Kenya, take part in team building activities, get to know their peers and teachers in outside the classroom environments, develop a respect and appreciation for the outdoors and each other and develop skills in problem solving. They will return rejuvenated and with minds enriched by new experiences. Oliver Wendall Holmes said, a “mind stretched by a new experience never goes back to its original dimension.” That is what we are doing at the Kijana Global Innovation School: expanding minds to new dimensions and finding avenues for those widened minds to build a better world.