Kijana Educational Empowerment Initiative

Kijana Acquires our first School Van

In late February, thanks to some generous early year donors, we were fortunate to be able to purchase our first Kijana School Van. Kijana representatives travelled to Mombasa, on the coast of Kenya where vehicles are imported into the country, explored the options and found a fantastic, clean, relatively new modern style van for school use.  It was recently imported from Thailand.  We drove it out to Kisumu, had it painted, installed a speed governor and other necessary equipment, applied our name and logo, put it through the inspection process, and acquired insurance, and registration.  We were transporting a few students to school for a week before schools were closed on March 16th.  While we are unable to use it for transporting students at the moment, we are fortunate to be able to use it to move our local Kijana team members around safely and with social distance in order to keep our greatly needed work going.

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