Kijana Educational Empowerment Initiative

Kijana’s Commitment to Creative Aesthetics and Visual Education Brings New Naming Opportunities

Since the Kijana Global Innovation School’s initial development in 2020, we have been committed to creating a unique, comfortable and inviting learning environment for students. The central collaborative team in this development has included Kijana President James Cummings, Palm Beach County graphic artist, Claire Salmon and Kenyan artist, Jesse Otukho. Additionally, Nani, of Nani’s Kitengela Glass, and her team have infused many beautiful glass structures that we commissioned.

In an effort to connect our current and potential donors more concretely to the school and gather more resources for further artistic development, we have created an opportunity for you to recognize a loved one or yourself by sponsoring a piece of artwork. The attached document profiles ALL the murals and recycled glass creations with naming donation amounts. The collection now amounts to almost 60 elements, with more in the works.

Please peruse it and consider donating and adding your name permanently at the school, while providing resources for further development. We think you will be amazed by the vast array of works, all on display at the school.

Please see the linked document. We recommend downloading the document for easier reading.

Select an artwork you would like to sponsor.

You can also give online. Please donate on the School Development and Expansion Campaign and make a note on the Givebutter page ro send an email to; and let us know the item you would like to sponsor and have donated for.

We hope you enjoy exploring the art as much as we did creating it and our students do interacting with it. Thank you!

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