Kijana Educational Empowerment Initiative

Kijana Global Innovation School Holds Second Pre-Primary Graduation

April and May of this year mark an important transitional time for the Kijana Global Innovation School. The 2021 school year (altered calendar due to Covid-19) ended in early March and students have had a six week break before the 2022 school year begins on April 25th. On March 4th, we held our second pre-primary (kindergarten) graduation. Twenty-seven students graduated, moving on to first grade. It was a joyous occasion filled with happy parents and community members. Additionally, we distributed tree seedlings to all students at the school, family members and additional community members. The seedlings were “home grown” at the school as part of our 500,000 tree campaign, in which we grew over 500,000 trees in a 5 month period. This endeavor will increase the local and regional tree canopy significantly over time, improving the resource base in the region for improved sustainability. It will also encourage others to plant trees as we work collaboratively to build a greener future.

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